Already an Advertiser?
Three Ways to Promote Your Brand to Poe Elementary PTO
We count on people like you to make our school better. We have a few opportunities for you to consider. There's only room for a few sponsors, though, so please secure your spot today.
  • Limited spots available
  • Digital ad on all fundraising pages
  • Color Print ad sent home with students
  • Full color ad on back bookmark for every student
Become a Supporter
  • Limited spots available
  • Digital ad on all fundraising pages
  • Color Print ad sent home with students
  • Full color ad on back bookmark for every student
Become an Advocate
  • Limited spots available
  • Digital ad on all fundraising pages
  • Color Print ad sent home with students
  • Full color ad on back bookmark for every student
Become a Champion
You are joining a growing list of businesses that actually care about students and who are willing to make a difference. With your help, our students are learning to love to read and that makes all the difference in the world!!!
Here is a sample of how your ads will appear:
example of ads
My name is Kari.
I am your Read-A-Thon Ads Consultant. Have Questions?
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